Monday 25th September 2017 (3.30pm – 5pm). We very much hope that your child has enjoyed their first few weeks at Burton Borough School and we would like to invite you to come into school on Monday 25th September between 3.30pm and 5pm to meet your child’s Form Tutor/Co Tutor.
The purpose of this informal meeting is for you to begin to get to know each other, to support your child with the settling in process and to build strong relationships for the future. It also gives you an opportunity to share any thoughts and or concerns you may have following your child’s initial start at Burton Borough School. The meeting will not focus on academic targets and will not be linked to specific subjects.
The Meet and Greet will take place in your child’s Tutor Room. Hosts will be available to escort you to the room if your child is unable to attend.
We would be grateful if you would complete and return the reply slip (that is being sent out via post and email today) to Mrs Kay McClean or simply reply via email to with the subject ‘Year 7 Meet and Greet’ and simply stating your name, your intention accept or decline and how many people will be attending (students and parents/ carers).
Yours Sincerely
Ben Morgan
Vice Principal