Communication and Interaction

  • Students may have difficulties with receptive and/or expressive language.
  • Student’s pronunciation may not be clear or fluent.
  • Students may have limited vocabulary, struggle to respond verbally and have difficulty following instructions.
  • Students may find social situations and engaging with peers difficult.
  • Students Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Condition are identified in this section of the Code of Practice.

Students have access to a Hub, which is upstairs in the main building. It is available to students throughout the school day. It is led by a HLTA and a team of TAs. They are the experts in Communication and Interaction support, championing the needs of these students throughout the school. Students can access the Hub to borrow assistive technology, such as laptops or reader pens, when they need a reader or a scribe or as a safe space when they need time to self-regulate. The staff in the Hub run a specific program of interventions.

All students with ASD also have a 5-scale plan. This has been developed by the student and their key worker. Staff around the school use the language of 1-5 to help students to identify their own emotions and to allow them to develop their own sensible and safe responses to these emotions. 


Speech and Language Intervention 
Students who receive support through the Speech and Language Team (SALT) will also receive Speech and Language intervention at Burton Borough School.  A member of the teaching assistant team will work with students, usually on a 1-1 basis to practice the sounds and mouth movements outlined by the Speech and Language Therapist on their personalised speech programme.  The school works in conjunction with the speech therapist and will ensure regular observations are carried out by SALT periodically throughout the year.


Autism Spectrum Condition (ASC)
Students with ASC have an opportunity to access either small group intervention or 1-1 intervention.  We cover topics such as ‘what is autism?’ friendships, socially appropriate behaviours, personal space, puberty and relationships.  Our Reflection Centre, which is run by two ELSA’s (Emotional Literacy Support Assistants) deliver a range of interventions for anxiety, worries and anger management.  We also offer Lego Build To Express, an intervention that encourages students to communicate their thoughts, feelings, frustrations or anxieties through the use of Lego.  





Visual Support
Students with Communication and Interaction needs and also those with autism often respond better to visual instructions, support cards and visual methods to communicate to their teachers and peers.  Some examples of these are below:

Teachers create PowerPoints that include visual diagrams or demonstrations.






Our Personal Study Diaries include a red, orange and green card so students can visually indicate to their teacher their level of understanding. 







Some students use visual checklists, visual timetables or visual behaviour boards to support them in lessons.