One page Profiles: These are completed entirely based on the student’s voice; it is their opinion on what they feel helps and hinders them to learn, what ownership they will take for their learning and what they would like you know about them. 

All passports are shared with staff and are hyperlinked to the SEND register for easy access. 

Passports are created by the pupil with their key worker and a copy is sent home for parents to see.  One page profiles are used when formulating provision maps to ensure the child’s voice is heard in target setting.

Pupil Passports:

These documents are created in partnership with parents and are based on transition information and agency reports.  The pupil passport outlines key learning information such as reading and spelling age, but also includes learning challenges and teaching strategies recommended for the individual child.   These again are shared with all staff and are hyperlinked against the pupil’s name on the SEND register.