Curriculum Plan – Computing

Intent: Inspire young people to solve the problems we haven’t thought of yet

Key Stage 3 Content Skills
Year 7
Theme: Basic IT and Introduction to Block Programming
Block programming –
Data Representation
Microbit Block Programming
Blogging – MS Sway
Scratch Block Programming
Soft Digital skills and safety
Using common Software tools MS Office
Problem Solving
Critical Thinking
Computational and Algorithmic design
Practical programming using block language and physical devices
Year 8
Theme: Business and Enterprise
Computer Systems
Spreadsheets Analysis and Design
Introduction to Python Programming – Text
Mobile App Design
Personal Finance
Social, Moral and Legal Computing concepts
Moving from block to text programming
Creativity and design
Business acumen
Year 9
Theme: Creative Design and Production
Introduction to Business Planning
Audio Editing
Advanced Python Programming
Web Design – Business Marketing
Cybersecurity Concerns
Graphic Design - Photoshop
Creative software use
Design principles
Problem analysis
Reviewing of success to a criterion
Key Stage 4 – GCSE Exam Board OCR Computer Science J277
Year 10
Theme: Computer Systems

Paper 1

  • 1.1 Systems architecture 
  • 1.2 Memory and storage 
  • 1.3 Computer networks, connections, and protocols 
  • 1.4 Network security 
  • 1.5 Systems software 
  • 1.6 Ethical, legal, cultural and environmental impacts of digital technology

Problem Solving
Analysis and Design
Critical Design
Core Computer Science Principles:

  • Abstraction
  • Decomposition
  • Patterns
  • Algorithms

Evaluation Skills

Year 11
Theme: Computational Thinking

Paper 2

  • 2.1 Algorithms 
  • 2.2 Programming fundamentals 
  • 2.3 Producing robust programs 
  • 2.4 Boolean logic 
  • 2.5 Programming languages and Integrated Development Environments
Skills are taught and embedded across both years, there is also some crossover of programming content in Y10 to build confidence and knowledge

For more information regarding the Computing Curriculum please contact the Head of Department via our contact form

Curriculum Plan – Computing KS3

Intent: The intent of the KS3 Computing curriculum at Burton Borough School is to provide students with a broad and balanced education that develops their computational thinking and digital literacy skills. Our aim is to foster a curiosity for technology and encourage students to become creative and critical thinkers who can use computational concepts and tools to solve real-world problems.


Year 7

Subject Content

Homework and Assessments

Subject Skills and 21st Century Soft Skills


Intro to Computing and eSafety



Lesson 1

Introduction to school Network



Lesson 2

Security and Health and Safety in IT room



Lesson 3

Using basic Office365 apps

Email to Teacher


Lesson 4

Planning Effective Presentation


Creativity, Collaboration

Lesson 5

Using effective images to present information



Lesson 6

Presentation of Cyberbullying

Cyberbullying Presentation (Groups)

Communication, Collaboration

Lesson 7

Who are you talking to Online?

End of Unit MS Forms Quiz

Citizenship, Communication






Block Coding –



Lesson 1

Introduction to Block Based Coding



Lesson 2

Sequencing – Algorithms


Critical Thinking, Growth Mindset

Lesson 3

Pattern Recognition and Looping



Lesson 4

Practical use of Iteration and Looping

Progress of Coding Activities on


Lesson 5

Understanding Selection to choose a path, using Flowcharts



Lesson 6

Applying Selection to Programs

Progress of Coding Activities on


Lesson 7

End of unit Assessment

Summative MS Forms Review







Data Representation



Lesson 1

How are numbers represented in Binary


Critical Thinking

Lesson 2

Adding Binary Numbers



Lesson 3

Hexadecimal Conversion

Midpoint Binary MS Forms Quiz

Growth Mindset

Lesson 4

How computers store Text – Character Sets



Lesson 5

How Images and sound is stored as Binary



Lesson 6

End of unit Assessment

Summative MS Forms Review







Microbit Programming – Block Coding



Lesson 1

Introduction to Microbit


Critical Thinking

Lesson 2

Using Variables and Random – Coin Flip Game



Lesson 3

Creating a Compass – Using Logic and Boolean

Midpoint MS Forms Review

Creativity, Critical Thinking

Lesson 4

Refining the Compass to increase accuracy



Lesson 5

Coin Collector Game using Sensors


Creativity, Collaboration

Lesson 6

Testing and Refinement of Coin game

Summative MS Forms Review







Blogging Project – MS Sway



Lesson 1

Features of a Word Processor



Lesson 2

Using Appropriate images

MS Forms Review – Retrieval


Lesson 3

Credibility of Sources and Information – Fake News


Growth Mindset

Lesson 4

Effective research techniques – information for Blog



Lesson 5

Introduction to Microsoft Sway Software



Lesson 6

Refinement of Blog Content and Review

Presentation of Blog, End of unit MS Forms Review







Scratch Programming – Block based Coding



Lesson 1

Intro to Scratch - Sprites and Movement


Critical Thinking

Lesson 2

Using Variables to create and control objects – Plan game

Game idea, layout, and structure plan


Lesson 3

Creating Flowcharts to map out a game mechanic

Assess completed Flowcharts


Lesson 4

Create Scratch Project and create sprites



Lesson 5

Create basic code to control sprites


Growth Mindset

Lesson 6

Develop logic code for game functionality



Lesson 7

Test plans and review

Final Game and Evaluation


Curriculum Plan – Computing

Intent: The intent of the Computing curriculum at Burton Borough School is to provide students with a broad and balanced education that develops their computational thinking and digital literacy skills. Our aim is to foster a curiosity for technology and encourage students to become creative and critical thinkers who are able to use computational concepts and tools to solve real-world problems.

Year 8

Subject Content

Homework and Assessments

Subject Skills and 21st Century Soft Skills


Computer Hardware and Software



Lesson 1

Computer systems and the Central Processing Unit


  • Knowledge of Computer components and their use
  • How the CPU is central to everything
  • How Computers communicate with each other

Critical thinking – understanding how all components work together.


Lesson 2

CPU Performance Characteristics

Short MS forms review quiz

Lesson 3

Operating Systems


Lesson 4

Utility Software and Applications

Short MS forms review quiz

Lesson 5

How computers communicate – Types of Network


Lesson 6

How computers communicate – Network Hardware


Lesson 7

End of unit Assessment

Extended MS forms quiz






Analysing Spreadsheets and Data



Lesson 1

Introduction to Data processing


  • Understand Rows, Columns and cells to display basic data
  • Using formula to automate data processing
  • Analysing data using graphs

Communication – Showing information in a useful way

Critical Thinking – Analysing information to make decisions

Lesson 2

Basic MS Excel skills


Lesson 3

Using formula tools and functions to create speed up data analysis


Lesson 4

Using formatting tools to create data Dashboards

Assess completed Spreadsheet

Lesson 5

Creating and Interpreting Graphs and charts 1


Lesson 6

Creating and Interpreting Graphs and charts 1

Assess completed charts for accuracy

Lesson 7

End of Unit Assessment

Extended MS Forms Knowledge review






Programming with Python


  • Basic skills in text based programming
  • Use of key programming concepts to create working solutions to problems

Critical Thinking – using knowledge to analyse a problem and create working coded solutions

Lesson 1

Python basics – Inputs and Outputs


Lesson 2

Use of Numbers and Operators


Lesson 3

Simple Maths and Data Types

MS Forms Quiz

Lesson 4

Using Selection to create options


Lesson 5

Repeating code with While Loops


Lesson 6

Using Random Number generators

Extended MS Forms Assessment






Mobile App Design


  • Exploring why some apps become really popular
  • Consider function as well as design choices in apps
  • Plan and build prototypes for interactive products

Creativity – coming up with ideas and designs for potentially popular apps and creating working prototypes

Lesson 1

Exploring Apps


Lesson 2

Planning an App idea

Assess Mobile App Plan

Lesson 3

Sketching out initial interface ideas


Lesson 4

Icons and Design Themes


Lesson 5

Creating an App Prototype


Lesson 6

Adding Animation and Interaction

Assessment of Final Mobile App






Managing Personal Finance with Technology


  • Have a working knowledge of how to manage your finances
  • How loans and borrowing works, and the problems it can create
  • Having responsibility for budgeting and making the most of your money

Growth Mindset – Understanding the pressures of managing money, and how to apply useful strategies to assist

Lesson 1

Savings and Interest


Lesson 2

The cost of Borrowing


Lesson 3

Personal Budgets Part 1

Ms Forms Quiz

Lesson 4

Personal Budgets Part 2


Lesson 5

Understanding Money and Investment


Lesson 6

Final Unit Assessment

Final Assessment MS Forms






Information Systems and Society


  • What impact has technology and computing of all kinds had on the world, via Social, Legal and environment impacts
  • Presenting information in a coherent way

Critical Thinking – Understanding that not all technology impacts are good, but being able to weigh it up into a balanced argument.

Communication – using an online Blog to present finding on a research project in to the Environmental Impacts

Lesson 1

Impact of Technology


Lesson 2

Environmental Impacts of Computing


Lesson 3

Create MS Sway on Environmental Impacts

Assessed Online Sway

Lesson 4

Plagiarism and Copyright


Lesson 5

Ethics of AI – Research Project


Lesson 6

Ethics of AI – Presentation


Lesson 7

Final Assessment

Extended MS Forms Quiz

Curriculum Plan – Computing KS3

Intent: The intent of the KS3 Computing curriculum at Burton Borough School is to provide students with a broad and balanced education that develops their computational thinking and digital literacy skills. Our aim is to foster a curiosity for technology and encourage students to become creative and critical thinkers who are able to use computational concepts and tools to solve real-world problems.

Year 9

Subject Content

Homework and Assessments

Subject Skills and 21st Century Soft Skills


Introduction to Business


  • Understanding how business Ideas are generated.
  • How marketing is used to promote products/services
  • Financial Management

Collaboration through working together to create business ideas.

Creativity when making Promotional resources.

Communication skill of presenting the idea to a group


Lesson 1

Understand what an entrepreneur is?


Lesson 2

Developing a Business Idea – Target Market


Lesson 3

Developing a Business Idea – Promotional Techniques

Assess Business Ideas

Lesson 4

Business Finance -Revenue and Costs


Lesson 5

Promotional Materials – Creative use of computers in Promotion

Assess Promotional Materials

Lesson 6

Logos and Branding


Lesson 7

The Pitch – Dragons Den Business Pitch

Peer Review of Presentations






Algorithms and Programming Python



Lesson 1

Inputs and Outputs – Using Variables


  • Solving problems computationally
  • Creating an efficient solutions using programming code

Critical thinking is embedded through creating a computer-based solution to a problem.

Growth Mindset allows students to become more resilient and find solutions to problems and not give up

Lesson 2

Writing programs for a Purpose – Data Types and Maths


Lesson 3

Creating a Program using Selection

MS Forms Knowledge Review

Lesson 4

Mapping Flowcharts to Code

Grading of Completed Programs

Lesson 5

Using Iteration to repeat outcomes – FOR LOOPS


Lesson 6

Using Iteration to repeat outcomes – WHILE LOOPS


Lesson 7

End of Unit Assessment

Extended MS Forms Assessment






Digital Graphics - Adobe Photoshop – Papa Sitos Restaurant Rebrand



Lesson 1

The Purpose of Digital Graphics Design


  • Use industry standard photo editing software.
  • Use design techniques to generate ideas.

Creativity is widely used in the creation of digital graphics to meet a client criterion

Lesson 2

Using Mind maps generate project idea


Lesson 3

Creating a Mood Board to set themes

Review of Mind Map and Mood board

Lesson 4

Intro to Photoshop – Creating a Logo


Lesson 5

Making a Digital Menu using Photoshop – Layout and Colours


Lesson 6

Adding Layers and additional effects

Marked Review of Digital Menu






Audio Creation and Editing - Audacity



Lesson 1

Exploring existing Audio Adverts


  • Understand sequencing.
  • Using industry standard audio software

Creativity is widely used in the creation of digital graphics to meet a client criterion

Lesson 2

Using Audacity to arrange Sound clips along a timeline


Lesson 3

Design a Radio Advert linked to Unit 1 Business idea


Lesson 4

Create a Work plan showing structure of Audio Clip

Review of Workplan

Lesson 5

Record audio clips for narration


Lesson 6

Compose and Arrange Radio Advert

Marked Review of Finished Advert






Cybersecurity and Safe Internet Use



Lesson 1

You and your Data – What do people know about you?


  • How to spot attempts to steal/delete data
  • Understand how to protect yourself from harm on the internet.

Growth Mindset is applied through understanding how data is important, and how it can be used for harm

Lesson 2

Social Engineering – How to stop being fooled by Data Thieves


Lesson 3

Methods of Attack – How Hackers steal and damage data


Lesson 4

Protecting Data and Computers from attack


Lesson 5

Using MS Sway to present information


Lesson 6

End of Unit Assessment

Extended MS Forms Assessment






Website Design and Creation in RocketCake



Lesson 1

Comparing design features of existing websites


  • Using a client brief to inform our choices of design.
  • Using creative techniques to generate ideas.

Creativity is mapped through the use of industry software to create an engaging website.

Communication skills are important to effectively show the information for the website

Lesson 2

Planning layout and design features of a website


Lesson 3

Understand HTML basic code and how it underpins websites

MS Form Knowledge Review

Lesson 4

Introduction to Web Authoring Software – Rocketcake


Lesson 5

Creating a basic theme and structure to a website


Lesson 6

Adding interactive elements to websites


Lesson 7

Review and improvements to website

Review marking of Final Website

Curriculum Plan – Computer Science

Intent: The intent of the Computing curriculum at Burton Borough School is to provide students with a broad and balanced education that develops their computational thinking and digital literacy skills. Our aim is to foster a curiosity for technology and encourage students to become creative and critical thinkers who are able to use computational concepts and tools to solve real-world problems.

Year 10

Subject Content

Homework and Assessments

Subject Skills and 21st Century Soft Skills


1.5 - Systems Software


Critical Thinking skills gained though having an understanding on the purpose of computer software and how it works with Hardware

Lesson 1

SLR 1.5 – Lesson 1, The purpose and functionality of operating systems

Why does your computer need an operating system?

1.5 Operating systems part 1   

  • Know the purpose and functionality of operating systems.
  • Know the different types of user interface and understand the features of each.


Lesson 2

Independent Programming Practical


Creative Thinking – Practicing Programming skills

Lesson 3

SLR 1.5 – Lesson 2, Operating systems part 1

How does a computer manage having lots of programs open and running at the same time?

1.5 Operating systems part 2

  • Know what is meant by the term multi-tasking.
  • Understand how the OS manages the memory.


Lesson 4

Independent Programming Practical


Creative Thinking – Practicing Programming skills

Lesson 5

SLR 1.5 – Lesson 3, Operating systems part 2

What features does an operating system give users?

1.5 Utility system software

  • Understand what is meant by the term
    user management.
  • Understand how the operating system manages files.


Lesson 6

SLR 1.5 – Lesson 4, Utility system software

What is the purpose of utility software?

Revise for EOU Assessment

  • Understand encryption utilities.
  • Understand defragmentation utilities.

Understand data compression utilities

Lesson 7

SLR 1.5 – End-of-topic test

End of Unit Assessment – OCR Exam Questions - Exambuilder







1.6 - Ethical, legal, cultural and environmental concerns


Growth Mindset and Citizenship Skills – Understanding how Technology has had an impact on many areas of society in many ways

Lesson 1

SLR 1.6 – Lesson 1, Ethical issues,  Privacy issues

What are the ethical issues of computing?

What privacy issues does computing cause?

1.6 Privacy issues

 1.6 Legislation relevant to computer science

  • Understand at least one ethical issue of computer technology.
  • Understand at least one issue related to privacy and computer technologies.


Lesson 2

Independent Programming Practical


Creative Thinking – Practicing Programming skills

Lesson 3

SLR 1.6 – Lesson 2, Legal issues, Cultural Issues

What does the legislation for computing prohibit?

How does computing impact on people?

 1.6 Cultural implications of computer science

1.6 Environmental impact of computer science

  • Know the principles of the Acts of Parliament:
  • Data Protection Act 2018
  • Computer Misuse Act 1990
  • Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988


  • Understand some of the key cultural issues of computer science:
    • The impact of technology on our daily lives.
    • The ‘digital divide’.
    • Globalisation.

Lesson 4

Independent Programming Practical


Creative Thinking – Practicing Programming skills

Lesson 5

SLR 1.6 – Lesson 3, Environmental issues, how digital technology impacts society

What is the environmental impact of computing?

How can digital technology have an impact on society at a local, national, and international level?

 1.6 Environmental impact of computer science

 1.6 Impacts of digital technology on wider society


  • Understand the environmental impact of computers in terms of:
    • Manufacturing
    • Use
    • Disposal


  • Understand at least one scenario of the impact of computer science.
  • Know how to identify key stakeholders.

Lesson 6

SLR 1.6 – Lesson 4, Open source vs proprietary software

What recommendations would you give to someone considering software for their PC?

 1.6 Open source vs proprietary software


Revise for EOU Assessment

  • Know the difference between open source and proprietary software.
  • Understand the implications of using open source and proprietary software.

Lesson 7

SLR 1.6 – End-of-topic test

End of Unit Assessment – OCR Exam Questions - Exambuilder





Curriculum Plan – Computer Science – OCR J277

Intent: The intent of the Computing curriculum at Burton Borough School is to provide students with a broad and balanced education that develops their computational thinking and digital literacy skills. Our aim is to foster a curiosity for technology and encourage students to become creative and critical thinkers who are able to use computational concepts and tools to solve real-world problems.

Year 11

Subject Content

Homework and Assessments

Subject Skills and 21st Century Soft Skills


2.2 Programming Fundamentals



Week 1

Basic programming constructs

What terms are associated with programming?

2.2 The common arithmetic and comparison operators

2.2 The common Boolean operators

 2.2 The use of data types and casting

 2.2 The use of basic string manipulation

  • Know what is meant by the following key terms:
    • Variables
    • Constants
    • Input
    • Output
    • Assignment
  • Know the 3 basic programming constructs.


Week 2

Data types, operators, and string manipulation

Why are numbers sometimes stored as strings?

 2.2 The use of basic file handling operations

  • Know the different variable data types.
  • Understand the need for casting.
  • Know the arithmetic operators.
  • Know the Boolean operators.
  • Know the comparison operators.
  • Understand how to use computer-related mathematic operators.
  • Understand basic string manipulation commands

Week 3

File handling

What are the steps to using data files with programs?

 2.2 The use of records to store data

 2.2 The use of SQL to search for data

  • Understand how to use basic file handling operations:
    • Open files
    • Read from files
    • Write to files
    • Close files


Week 4

Records and SQL

How is SQL used to search for data?

 2.2 The use of arrays

 2.2 How to use sub-programs

  • Understand the term ‘record’.
  • Understand the SQL commands:
    • SELECT
    • FROM
    • WHERE  (including the Boolean operators)
    • LIKE
  • Know the purpose of nested SELECTs.


Week 5

Arrays and sub-problems

What does a two-dimensional array or list mean?

Why are sub-programs used?

 2.2 Random number generation

  • Understand how an array or list can be used to store data.
  • Understand that arrays can be one- or two-dimensional.
  • Understand that programs can be structured using procedures and functions.
  • Understand that parameters can be passed and returned from functions.
  • Understand that variables can be global or local.


Week 6

Random number generation

In what sort of problems might we need to generate a random number or sequence of random numbers?

Revise and prep for EOU assessment on Topic 2.2

  • Understand how to use random number generation.


Week 7

SLR 2.2 EOU Assessment

End of Unit Assessment – OCR Exam Questions







2.1 Algorithms



Week 1


What are the principles of computational thinking?

 2.1 Abstraction

  • Know what is meant by the term ‘abstraction’.
  • Know some examples of abstraction.


Week 2

Decomposition and structure diagrams

What is the purpose of decomposition, and how can producing structure diagrams help?

 2.1 Inputs, processes and outputs

 2.1 Algorithmic thinking

  • Know what is meant by problem decomposition.
  • Know the advantages of decomposition when applied to programming.
  • Know an example of problem decomposition.
  • Know how to produce a structure diagram to aid in decomposing a problem

Week 3

Algorithmic thinking

What do we mean by “thinking algorithmically”?

 2.1 Linear search

 2.1 Binary search

  • Understand how to solve computational problems by applying algorithmic thinking.


Week 4

Searching Algorithms

How does a linear search work?

How does a Binary search work?

 2.1 Bubble sort

 2.1 Merge sort

 2.1 Insertion sort

  • Understand the linear search algorithm.
  • Understand it is not an efficient algorithm, but it is easier to program than alternatives and does not require the items to be in any order
  • Understand the binary search algorithm.
  • Know the special condition of the list of items for the binary search to work.
  • Understand which searching algorithm is quicker.


Week 5

Sorting Algorithms

How does a bubble, merge and insertion sort work?

 2.1 How to produce algorithms using pseudocode and flow diagrams

  • Understand the bubble sort algorithm.
  • Understand the merge sort algorithm.
  • Understand the insertion sort algorithm.


Week 6

How to produce algorithms

How can algorithms be described without ambiguity?

What is a flowchart and Pseudocode?

 2.1 Trace tables

  • Know the flow diagram symbols.
  • Know that flow diagrams are also called flowcharts.
  • Know how to make a flow diagram.
  • Understand how to construct a program from a flow diagram.
  • Know what is meant by the term pseudocode.
  • Understand how to write pseudocode.
  • Understand the OCR reference language.


Week 7

Trace tables and solving errors

What are the different types of errors that can occur when programming?

How and why do programmers use a trace table?

Revise for EOU Assessment

  • Know what a trace table is.
  • Understand how and why trace tables can be useful for debugging.
  • Know how to complete a trace table.
  • Know what a syntax error is.
  • Know what a logic error is.
  • Know how identify simple syntax and logic errors in high-level code and the OCR reference language.
  • Be able to suggest code fixes by spotting syntax and logic errors.







2.3 Producing Robust Programs



Week 1

Input validation

What issues should a programmer consider to ensure a program caters for all likely input values?

 2.3 Defensive design considerations part 1

 2.3 Defensive design considerations part 2

  • Know what is meant by the term “defensive design considerations” when writing programs.
  • Understand why input validation is necessary.
  • Know a range of validation techniques that can be used to write a robust program.


Week 2

Defensive design consideration

 2.3 Maintainability

 2.3 Refining algorithms to make them more robust

  • Know what is meant by the term “defensive design considerations” when writing programs.
  • Know a range of potential problems that can occur when a program is running, especially if it requires communication to servers, peripherals, data in files and arithmetic.
  • Understand some authentication techniques a programmer may choose to use to protect their program from misuse.


Week 3

Maintainability and refining algorithms

What does code maintainability mean?

 2.3 The purpose and types of testing

 2.3 How to identify syntax and logic errors

  • Know why creating easy to read code is important with large projects.
  • Understand what programmers can do to make their code more readable.
  • Understand how to refine algorithms to make them more robust.


Week 4

Types of testing and errors

What are the different types of errors that can occur in a program?

 2.3 Suitable test data

  • Know four reasons why a program should be tested.
  • Know what iterative testing is.
  • Know what final/terminal testing is.
  • Know what a syntax error is.
  • Know what a logic error is.


Week 5

Suitable test data

What makes a good testing strategy?

Revise for EOU Assessment

  • Understand that because a program works, it doesn’t mean it works for all inputs.
  • Understand that suitable test data for a program needs to include:
    • Normal data
    • Boundary data
    • Invalid data
    • Erroneous data


Week 6

SLR 2.3 EOU Assessment

End of Unit Assessment – OCR Exam Questions







2.5 Programming Languages and IDE



Week 1

Simple logic diagrams

What are the symbols used in logic diagrams?

 2.4 Simple logic diagrams

  • Know how to make simple logic diagrams from Boolean expressions using AND, OR, NOT.


Week 2

Applying logic operators and truth tables to solve problems

How do you complete a truth table?

 2.4 Truth tables

 2.4 Combining Boolean operators

  • Understand how to complete truth tables from one- and two-level logic diagrams.


Week 3

Create, complete or edit logic diagrams and truth tables

How do you create logic diagrams from truth tables?

 2.4 Applying logical operators in truth tables

  • Understand how to create, complete or edit logic diagrams and truth tables for given scenarios.


Week 4

Exam Preparation and Revision



Week 5

Exam Preparation and Revision



Week 6

Exam Preparation and Revision








Exam Preparation and Revision



Week 1

Exam Preparation and Revision



Week 2

Exam Preparation and Revision



Week 3

Exam Preparation and Revision



Week 4

Exam Preparation and Revision



Week 5

Exam Preparation and Revision



Week 6

Exam Preparation and Revision