Curriculum Map – Art, Design & Photography

Key Stage 3



Year 7

Artists make marks to draw our attention

Art communicates in every sense

Art has its own vocabulary shaped across time and space

Mark making on surfaces and in space
Why and how artists make marks
The benefits of experimentation and creative ‘play’
‘Reading’ (and talking about) artist marks
History of Art research
How to apply skills and knowledge to own work using critical thinking and creativity through the subject of Still life

Expressive approaches- introducing colour and mixed media

How art can impact upon all of our senses
How works of art ‘speak’ in various ways
Why words are not always sufficient to explain our experiences of art
How to apply skills and knowledge to own work using critical thinking and creativity through the subject of Memory, dreams, or hope.

Structure and form-and words and art

The visual elements of an artwork- the language and “grammar” we need to know
How elements combine to communicate
How artists “play” with visual language

How to apply skills and knowledge to own work using critical thinking and creativity through the subject of Sculpture

Formal elements
Mark making

Colour theory
Oil pastels
Mixing media

Introducing new skills, media and techniques. Development and refinement through:

Year 8

Artists use and abuse tradition

Artist's “play” with materials, ideas and failure

Art engages head, hands, heart

Exploring (and “abusing”) a genre- portrait, landscape, still life

Why and how different art movements/cultures develop particular art rules and conventions.
Why and how artists ‘abuse’ established genres and traditions.
How artists and artworks continually influence one another.
How to apply skills and knowledge to own work using critical thinking and creativity through the subject of Typography and Pattern

Craft, design, and invention - the playful, purposeful and absurd
How and why artists embrace 'purposeful ‘play’.
The importance of creative risk-taking, trusting your intuition, making mistakes.
The value of the ‘journey’ within art making – becoming lost, finding your way; trusting process; problem solving via materials.
How to apply skills and knowledge to own work using critical thinking and creativity through the subject of World Cultures

Artists sensitivities to – sensations of, relationships with – ideas, materials, feelings

The varying degrees to which artists rely/have relied on their heads, hands, hearts
How artists have / can engage with the world How to apply skills and knowledge to own work using critical thinking and creativity through the subject of Location 

Mixed media, 3D or relief, printing
Growth mindset
Embrace learning

Introducing new skills, media and techniques. Development and refinement through:

Introducing new skills, media and techniques. Development and refinement through:

Year 9

Art is not fixed in meaning, context is everything

Art has value in unequal measures

Art makes people powerful, for good and bad

A sense of place, mapping and movements

Why meanings of art are subject to change 
How interpretations of art are shaped by knowledge, experiences and prejudices
Artworks as evidence from a particular time, place, sequence of events/(inter)action
How to apply skills and knowledge to own work using critical thinking and creativity through the subject of  Stories

Balance and harmony – representation and abstraction

Measuring the ‘value’ of art, in diverse ways
How art histories (and values) are shaped, (Im)balanced, prejudiced, subject to change
How and why art institutions are addressing inequalities and reconsidering art histories
Issues of representation and abstraction
How to apply skills and knowledge to own work using critical thinking and creativity through the subject of Surrealism

Speaking truth to power- socially engaged and issue-based work

The role and expectations of an artist
How art influences the thoughts and actions of others for good and for bad
How art can be transformative; deployed to speak truth to power

Independent learning preparation for KS4
Learning about artists, designers, and craftspeople from a range given, using knowledge, and understanding to create own unique outcomes
How to apply skills and knowledge to own work using critical thinking and creativity through the subject of Politics

Independent learning projects on Cultural appreciation and artist intention

Introducing new skills, media and techniques. Development and refinement through:

Introducing new skills, media and techniques. Development and refinement through:

Key Stage 4 – Art GCSE Exam Board WJEC
Year 10 Baseline
Skills based workshops
Portfolio understanding how to respond to chosen stimulus
Independent learning
AO 1 to 4: Contextual understanding; exploration and development of ideas, materials and techniques; recording ideas through a variety of forms and personal and meaningful responses.
Year 11 Mock Exam Prep, Real Exam Prep
Personal responses to set questions and themes
AO 1 to 4: Contextual understanding; exploration and development of ideas, materials and techniques; recording ideas through a variety of forms and personal and meaningful responses.
Key Stage 4 – Photography GCSE Exam Board WJEC
Year 10

Learn basic camera setting skills
Rules of composition and formal elements. Hand & Digital editing using Photoshop or equivalent.
Studio and outdoor photoshoots.

Portfolio prep – Understanding how to present work (digital and sketchbook), respond to a stimulus and create a personal response.

AO1 to 4: Contextual understanding; exploration and development of ideas, materials, and techniques; recording ideas through a variety of forms and personal and meaningful responses.
Year 11 Mock Exam Prep, 
Real Exam Prep
Personal responses to set questions and themes
AO 1 to 4: Contextual understanding; exploration and development of ideas, materials and techniques; recording ideas through a variety of forms and personal and meaningful responses.


Art & Design @ BBS KS3

Intent:  Art, Design and Photography at Burton Borough School, actively promotes original thinking and collaboration - independent and interdependent learning, making, problem-solving and more. Creativity is essential in a global economy that needs a workforce that is knowledgeable, imaginative, and innovative; hence we embed creativity through our curriculum for our Burton Borough students.


Year 7

Subject Content

Homework and Assessments

Subject Skills and 21st Century Soft Skills

                                                                             BASELINE DRAWING ASSESSMENT

Formal Elements - Building blocks for success in Art and Design

HT 1


What are the formal elements of Art?


How have other artists recorded their ideas and personal response using the formal elements?




All about me collage/drawing


A drawing of any still life object. (Glass, bottle, shoe) Add tone/mark making


A collage that shows understanding of one of the formal elements.




  • Knowledge and understanding of what, why and how artists record ideas.
  • Citizenship: understanding and appreciation of different ways of working in Art.
  • Growth mindset and seeing learning as a process of trying, developing, and refining.

HT 2


What are the benefits of creative play?


Exploring different ways of recording the formal elements.

Skills building through drawing, painting, recording, mark making  in response to the formal elements.


Evaluation of Formal elements





Research Artists who use colour within their work.

Takashi Murakami, Pop artists, Op Art, Fauves, Yayoi Katsuma, Wassily Kandinsky,

Michael Craig Martin, Patrick Caulfield, Anish Kapoor


Colour wheel/colour theory revision



Peer, self and teacher assessment


  •   Knowledge and understanding of what, why and how artists record ideas.
  • Citizenship: understanding and appreciation of different ways of working in Art.
  • Growth mindset and seeing learning as a process of trying, developing, and refining.


Fantastic Fish

HT 3


J Vincent Scarpace – How does he use the formal elements in his work?


Explore how MC Escher uses pattern, texture and detail in this work.


Design a fish influenced by Scarpace and Zentangle patterns, exploring, line, shape, colour  and considering composition.


Drawing of a marine creature showing use of tone, texture, mark making.


Research page on JVincent Scarpace



Compare the work of Escher and Scarpace

  • Knowledge and understanding of what, why and how artists record ideas.
  • Citizenship: understanding and appreciation of different ways of working in Art.
  • Growth mindset and seeing learning as a process of trying, developing, and refining.

HT 4


Synthesis of skills and understanding to produce a 2D or 3D personal response to Fantastic Fish


Evaluation of project

Create a research page about Zentangle patterns



Peer, self, and teacher assessment


  •   Knowledge and understanding of what, why and how artists record ideas.
  • Citizenship: understanding and appreciation of different ways of working in Art.
  • Growth mindset and seeing learning as a process of trying, developing, and refining.

Entomology - Insects

HT 5


How do artists interpret the world around them?


Students will produce a series of studies based around insects, revisiting the formal elements, line, tone, texture, colour.


Students will explore a  range of materials and techniques linked to the artists.

Research Abby Diamond/Rosalind Monks/ Graham Sutherland/MC Escher/Ernst Haeckel, Levon Biss



A collage of different insects

Damian Hirst – Butterfly Mandala paintings.  Do you think animals should be used to make art? Why?


  •   Knowledge and understanding of what, why and how artists record ideas.
  • Citizenship: understanding and appreciation of different ways of working in Art.
  • Growth mindset and seeing learning as a process of trying, developing, and refining.

HT 6


Personal response


Synthesis of skills and understanding to produce a 2D or 3D personal response to ‘Insects’


Evaluation of project


Design an insect by combining other insect parts. Add tone.

Plan a composition for final piece 2D/3D response.


Peer, self, and teacher assessment


  • Knowledge and understanding of what, why and how artists record ideas.
  • Citizenship: understanding and appreciation of different ways of working in Art.
  • Growth mindset and seeing learning as a process of trying, developing, and refining.

Art & Design @ BBS KS3

Intent:  Art, Design and Photography at Burton Borough School, actively promotes original thinking and collaboration - independent and interdependent learning, making, problem-solving and more. Creativity is essential in a global economy that needs a workforce that is knowledgeable, imaginative, and innovative; hence we embed creativity through our curriculum for our Burton Borough students.


Year 8

Subject Content

Homework and Assessments

Subject Skills and 21st Century Soft Skills

BASELINE DRAWING ASSESSMENT - Retrieval of skills from year 7


Location  - Site Place Position

HT 1


What’s in a Location?


Investigating Landscapes and townscapes.


 How artists/art movements have approached this subject.


Experimenting with media, processes, and techniques.


Collage of amazing buildings from around the world


Research page of a Fauve artist /architect – focus on their use of colour, shape, form and line



  • Knowledge and understanding of what, why and how artists record ideas.
  • Citizenship: understanding and appreciation of different ways of working in Art.
  • Growth mindset and seeing learning as a process of trying, developing, and refining.

HT 2


Personal response


Synthesis of skills and understanding to produce a 2D response to the theme of ‘Location’


Evaluation of project


Observational drawing your house/locality


Design a futuristic townscape/landscape 300 years into the future.


Peer, self and teacher assessment


  •   Knowledge and understanding of what, why and how artists record ideas.
  • Citizenship: understanding and appreciation of different ways of working in Art.
  • Growth mindset and seeing learning as a process of trying, developing, and refining.

World Cultures and Diversity

HT 3


World Cultures and Diversity



What are the benefits of experimentation and creative play?


Students will use techniques to allow them to explore and replicate the patterns, textures, colours, lines and shapes found in World cultures.


Research one cultures traditions/artefacts linked to your project.


Make a page of drawings and collage about patterns from different cultures.  African/Islamic/Mexican/Indian


Bring in objects to add to your 2D/3D response

  •   Knowledge and understanding of what, why and how artists record ideas.
  • Citizenship: understanding and appreciation of different ways of working in Art.
  • Growth mindset and seeing learning as a process of trying, developing, and refining.

HT 4


Personal response


Synthesis of skills and understanding to produce a 2D or 3D personal response to ‘World Culture and Diversity’.


Evaluation of project

Research 20th artists use of their culture in their work

Esther Mahlangu, Chris Ofili, Klara Walker, Kehinde Whiley, Peter Blake,


Peer, self and teacher assessment


  •   Knowledge and understanding of what, why and how artists record ideas.
  • Citizenship: understanding and appreciation of different ways of working in Art.
  • Growth mindset and seeing learning as a process of trying, developing, and refining.

Sweet Treats

HT 5


Looking at the way artists respond to sweets, cakes, biscuits.


Student will use gridded drawing method to record observations based on sweet treats.


Students will explore related media to respond to the work of artists Joel Penkman/ Wayne Thiebaud/ Sarah Graham/claes Oldenburg/Patianne Stevenson

Research page on the artist Joel Penkman


Drawing and Collage of sweet ‘treats’


Observational drawing of a chocolate/sweet  wrapper or creased paper. Focus on tone, shape, form.



  •   Knowledge and understanding of what, why and how artists record ideas.
  • Citizenship: understanding and appreciation of different ways of working in Art.
  • Growth mindset and seeing learning as a process of trying, developing, and refining.

HT 6


Synthesis of skills and understanding to produce a 2D or 3D personal response to ‘sweet treats’


Evaluation of project

Compare the work Pattianne Stevenson cake sculptures and Claes Oldenburg food sculptures.


Peer, self and teacher assessment


  •   Knowledge and understanding of what, why and how artists record ideas.
  • Citizenship: understanding and appreciation of different ways of working in Art.
  • Growth mindset and seeing learning as a process of trying, developing, and refining.

Art & Design @ BBS KS3

Intent:  Art, Design and Photography at Burton Borough School, actively promotes original thinking and collaboration - independent and interdependent learning, making, problem-solving and more. Creativity is essential in a global economy that needs a workforce that is knowledgeable, imaginative, and innovative; hence we embed creativity through our curriculum for our Burton Borough students.


Year 9

Subject Content

Homework and Assessments

Subject Skills and 21st Century Soft Skills

BASELINE DRAWING ASSESSMENT – Retrieval of skills from year 8


Surrealism –The mind is a powerful tool

Half  Term 1


 What is Surrealism? Recording initial thoughts about what surreal means.

 Research - Develop an understanding of Surrealism.

 How did the surrealist generate their ideas?

Choose an artist from Surrealist art movement to research. Salvador Dali, Rene Magritte, Marc Chagall, Marcel Duchamp


Recall and record a recent dream. This may be written or images.


  • Knowledge and understanding of what, why and how artists record ideas.
  • Citizenship: understanding and appreciation of different ways of working in Art.
  • Growth mindset and seeing learning as a process of trying, developing and refining.

Half term  2


 Explore different surrealism styles.


 Explore a range of materials


Synthesis of skills and understanding to be shown in final art works


Evaluation of project

Idea collage/moodboard of images for surreal final piece.


Plan a final response influenced by Surrealism


Peer, self and teacher assessment


  • Knowledge and understanding of what, why and how artists record ideas.
  • Citizenship: understanding and appreciation of different ways of working in Art.
  • Growth mindset and seeing learning as a process of trying, developing and refining.


Celebrity Portraits – What makes a celebrity?

Half term 3


What is a portrait? What is a selfie?

Retrieval – tone, drawing, mark marking

How has the past influenced the present? Looking at portraits from the past comparing to celebs now. How are artists influenced by culture?


 Recording a celebrity portrait.

Students will use a range of materials and techniques to draw their celebrity

Research a ‘traditional’ portrait artist and compare to a contemporary artist.

Kehinde Whiley, Frida Kahlo, Lisa Grue, Leonardo da vinci, Chris Ofili, Melissa Falconer, Ian MacArthur.  graffiti artists, Grime art


A4 drawing of yourself/friend/family member


  • Knowledge and understanding of what, why and how artists record ideas.
  • Citizenship: understanding and appreciation of different ways of working in Art.
  • Growth mindset and seeing learning as a process of trying, developing and refining.

Half term 4


Produce a Celebrity portrait - Synthesis of skills, techniques and artists understanding to be shown in final art works, incorporating colours, typography, and pattern.


Evaluation of project

A collage of images/patterns/words linked to your chosen celebrity


Complete plan for a final response.


Peer, self and teacher assessment


  • Knowledge and understanding of what, why and how artists record ideas.
  • Citizenship: understanding and appreciation of different ways of working in Art.
  • Growth mindset and seeing learning as a process of trying, developing and refining.
  • Communication and collaboration

Protest Art - How can words have power?


Half term 5


What is protest art?

How can words change the world? People's opinions? Their beliefs?


Students to explore a range of political art/artists that use typography/images to make a statement. Record


Practise 3 different font styles based on their chosen ‘protest’  word/phrase’


Students will explore different fonts materials, compositions and colours

Research page about protest art/artists using creative presentation skills.

Barbara Kruger, Tracey Emin, Bob and Roberta Smith, Banksy, City Murals – public art Keith Haring,

Ai Wei Weu.


What do you ‘protest’ about.  Mind map possible topics that you feel passionate about. 

  • Knowledge and understanding of what, why and how artists record ideas.
  • Citizenship: understanding and appreciation of different ways of working in Art.
  • Growth mindset and seeing learning as a process of trying, developing and refining.

Half term 6


Begin to plan your ‘protest’ art using words only.


Synthesis of skills, techniques and understanding of artists to be shown in final personal response


Evaluation of project

Collect and collage ideas (colour, text, composition) for final protest art


Complete the plan for your final protest art


Evaluation of the project

Peer, self and teacher assessment


  • Knowledge and understanding of what, why and how artists record ideas.
  • Citizenship: understanding and appreciation of different ways of working in Art.
  • Growth mindset and seeing learning as a process of trying, developing and refining.


Art & Design @ BBS KS4

Intent:  Art, Design and Photography at Burton Borough School, actively promotes original thinking and collaboration - independent and interdependent learning, making, problem-solving and more. Creativity is essential in a global economy that needs a workforce that is knowledgeable, imaginative, and innovative; hence we embed creativity through our curriculum for our Burton Borough students.


Year 10

Subject Content

Homework and Assessments

Subject Skills and 21st Century Soft Skills

 HT 1


How to fulfil your potential in Art and design

Introduction to the course; showing graded examples of work and explain the assessment objective

Where are we now and how to make great progress

Mind map and title page for coursework project 1

Artist research; facts opinions, images and drawing in an appropriate layout and presentation

  • Knowledge and understanding of what, why and how artists record ideas.
  • Citizenship: understanding and appreciation of different ways of working in Art.
  • Growth mindset and seeing learning as a process of trying, developing, and refining.

HT 2


Synthesis of skills and understanding to be shown in final art works (AO2&4)

Final piece ideas in colour

  •   Knowledge and understanding of what, why and how artists record ideas.
  • Citizenship: understanding and appreciation of different ways of working in Art.
  • Growth mindset and seeing learning as a process of trying, developing, and refining.

HT 3



Sketchbook research, development, refinment and annotation


What are the benefits of experimentation and creative play

Research multicultural masks

Select and bring in found objects to add to your mask

  •   Knowledge and understanding of what, why and how artists record ideas.
  • Citizenship: understanding and appreciation of different ways of working in Art.
  • Growth mindset and seeing learning as a process of trying, developing, and refining.

HT 4


L4.  Synthesis of skills and understanding to be shown in final art works (AO2&4)

Research 20th century sculpture

  •   Knowledge and understanding of what, why and how artists record ideas.
  • Citizenship: understanding and appreciation of different ways of working in Art.
  • Growth mindset and seeing learning as a process of trying, developing, and refining.

HT 5



Skills workshops

Targeted interventions

New media and techniques new coursework project


  •   Knowledge and understanding of what, why and how artists record ideas.
  • Citizenship: understanding and appreciation of different ways of working in Art.
  • Growth mindset and seeing learning as a process of trying, developing, and refining.

HT 6


Synthesis of skills and understanding to be shown in final art works



  • Knowledge and understanding of what, why and how artists record ideas.
  • Citizenship: understanding and appreciation of different ways of working in Art.
  • Growth mindset and seeing learning as a process of trying, developing, and refining.


Art & Design @ BBS KS4

Intent:  Art, Design and Photography at Burton Borough School, actively promotes original thinking and collaboration - independent and interdependent learning, making, problem-solving and more. Creativity is essential in a global economy that needs a workforce that is knowledgeable, imaginative, and innovative; hence we embed creativity through our curriculum for our Burton Borough students.


Year 11

Subject Content

Homework and Assessments

Subject Skills and 21st Century Soft Skills

Half Term 1


Completing Portfolio project No.2

Synthesis of skills and understanding to be shown in final art works (AO2&4)

Mind map and title page for coursework project 1

Artist research; facts opinions, images and drawing in an appropriate layout and presentation

Artist research

  • Creativity, problem solving, critical thinking, visual literacy, perseverance, collaboration and sharing good practice are embedded in the subject.
  • Using technology and digital literacy to enhance and problem solve in creating ideas
  • Growth mindset and seeing learning as a process of trying, developing, and refining.

Half Term 2


Mock exam paper released.

Sketchbook preparation; research, development, refinement and annotation


Mock exam final piece 10 hours


Take photo’s that relate to the title chosen on the exam paper and present them neatly and creatively in your sketchbook

Collect Images from the internet and magazine and books that relate to your chosen title and present them neatly and creatively in your sketchbook

Artist research 2 and artist research 3

Final piece ideas in colour

  • Creativity, problem solving, critical thinking, visual literacy, perseverance, collaboration and sharing good practice are embedded in the subject.
  • Using technology and digital literacy to enhance and problem solve in creating ideas
  • Growth mindset and seeing learning as a process of trying, developing, and refining.

HT 3


Exam Paper released in January

Take photo’s that relate to the title chosen on the exam paper and present them neatly and creatively in your sketchbook

Collect Images from the internet and magazine and books that relate to your chosen title and present them neatly and creatively in your sketchbook

Artist research 2 and artist research 3


  • Creativity, problem solving, critical thinking, visual literacy, perseverance, collaboration and sharing good practice are embedded in the subject.
  • Using technology and digital literacy to enhance and problem solve in creating ideas
  • Growth mindset and seeing learning as a process of trying, developing, and refining.

HT 4


Synthesis of skills and understanding to be shown in final art works (AO2&4)


10 hour final exam

Make sure the sketchbook work is all complete and that you are fully prepared for the exam

  • Creativity, problem solving, critical thinking, visual literacy, perseverance, collaboration and sharing good practice are embedded in the subject.
  • Using technology and digital literacy to enhance and problem solve in creating ideas
  • Growth mindset and seeing learning as a process of trying, developing, and refining.

HT 5


Exploring how to present the portfolio of coursework.

Portfolio presentation


Portfolio final assessment

  • Creativity, problem solving, critical thinking, visual literacy, perseverance, collaboration and sharing good practice are embedded in the subject.
  • Using technology and digital literacy to enhance and problem solve in creating ideas
  • Growth mindset and seeing learning as a process of trying, developing, and refining.

HT 6





Photography @ BBS KS4

Intent:  Art, Design and Photography at Burton Borough School, actively promotes original thinking and collaboration - independent and interdependent learning, making, problem-solving and more. Creativity is essential in a global economy that needs a workforce that is knowledgeable, imaginative, and innovative; hence we embed creativity through our curriculum for our Burton Borough students.



Subject Content

Homework and Assessments

Subject Skills and 21st Century Soft Skills


Component 1( Portfolio)

Half  Term 1


The Basics

Camera settings

Rules of composition



  • Refine work by exploring ideas, selecting

and experimenting with appropriate

media, materials, techniques and



  • Record ideas, observations and

insights relevant to intentions as work



Homework – Photoshoots that reinforce understanding of the basics.


  • Knowledge and understanding of what, why and how creatives  record ideas.
  • Citizenship: understanding and appreciation of different ways of working in the creative industry
  • Growth mindset and seeing learning as a process of trying, developing and refining.

Half term  2


The Basics

Formal Elements of photography

Photoshop skill and techniques to develop ideas.


  • Refine work by exploring ideas, selecting

and experimenting with appropriate

media, materials, techniques and



  • Record ideas, observations and

insights relevant to intentions as work



Homework – Photoshoots that reinforce understanding of formal elements and composition


  • Knowledge and understanding of what, why and how   creatives   record ideas.
  • Citizenship: understanding and appreciation of different ways of working in the creative industry
  • Growth mindset and seeing learning as a process of trying, developing and refining.


Component 1( Portfolio)

Half term 3


Portfolio task 1 – The Altered Portrait


A range of photoshoots, sketchbook tasks, analysis to produce a personal response based on the theme Altered Portrait.


Lighting and light sources


Hand altered techniques.

Presentation of final response.

  • Develop ideas through investigations,

demonstrating critical understanding of



  • Refine work by exploring ideas, selecting

and experimenting with appropriate

media, materials, techniques and



  • Record ideas, observations and

insights relevant to intentions as work



  • Present a personal and meaningful

response that realises intentions and

demonstrates understanding of visual



Homework – Relevant photoshoots to link with Altered Portrait


  • Knowledge and understanding of what, why and how   creatives   record ideas.
  • Citizenship: understanding and appreciation of different ways of working in the creative industry
  • Growth mindset and seeing learning as a process of trying, developing and refining.

Half term 4


Portfolio task 1 – The Altered Portrait


A range of photoshoots, sketchbook tasks, analysis to produce a personal response based on the theme Altered Portrait.


Lighting and light sources


Hand altered techniques.

Presentation of final response.

  • Develop ideas through investigations,

demonstrating critical understanding of



  • Refine work by exploring ideas, selecting

and experimenting with appropriate

media, materials, techniques and



  • Record ideas, observations and

insights relevant to intentions as work



  • Present a personal and meaningful

response that realises intentions and

demonstrates understanding of visual



Homework – Relevant photoshoots to link with Altered Portrait


  • Knowledge and understanding of what, why and how   creatives   record ideas.
  • Citizenship: understanding and appreciation of different ways of working in the creative industry
  • Growth mindset and seeing learning as a process of trying, developing and refining.


Half term 5


Portfolio Task 2 – Locality


A range of photoshoots, analysis to produce a personal response based on the theme Locality.


Photoshop skills

Revisit composition formal elements

Digital /media context for personal response.



  • Develop ideas through investigations,

demonstrating critical understanding of



  • Refine work by exploring ideas, selecting

and experimenting with appropriate

media, materials, techniques and



  • Record ideas, observations and

insights relevant to intentions as work



  • Present a personal and meaningful

response that realises intentions and

demonstrates understanding of visual



Homework – Relevant photoshoots to link with Locality


  • Knowledge and understanding of what, why and how   creatives   record ideas.
  • Citizenship: understanding and appreciation of different ways of working in the creative industry
  • Growth mindset and seeing learning as a process of trying, developing and refining.

Half term 6


A range of photoshoots, analysis to produce a personal response based on the theme.


Photoshop skills

Revisit composition formal elements

Digital /media context



  • Knowledge and understanding of what, why and how   creatives   record ideas.
  • Citizenship: understanding and appreciation of different ways of working in the creative industry
  • Growth mindset and seeing learning as a process of trying, developing and refining.

Photography @ BBS KS4

Intent:  Art, Design and Photography at Burton Borough School, actively promotes original thinking and collaboration - independent and interdependent learning, making, problem-solving and more. Creativity is essential in a global economy that needs a workforce that is knowledgeable, imaginative, and innovative; hence we embed creativity through our curriculum for our Burton Borough students.



Subject Content

Homework and Assessments

Subject Skills and 21st Century Soft Skills


Component 1 (Portfolio)

Half  Term 1


Completing component 1


Creative statement

  • Present a personal and meaningful

response that realises intentions and

demonstrates understanding of visual




  • Knowledge and understanding of what, why and how creatives  record ideas.
  • Citizenship: understanding and appreciation of different ways of working in the creative industry
  • Growth mindset and seeing learning as a process of trying, developing and refining.

Half term  2


Mock exam window

Student received paper


PPT/Sketchbook preparation;



refinement and annotation


Mock exam final piece 10 hours

  • Refine work by exploring ideas, selecting

and experimenting with appropriate

media, materials, techniques and



  • Record ideas, observations and

insights relevant to intentions as work




  • Knowledge and understanding of what, why and how   creatives  record ideas.
  • Citizenship: understanding and appreciation of different ways of working in the creative industry
  • Growth mindset and seeing learning as a process of trying, developing and refining.


Component 2(Exam)

Half term 3


Exam paper released.

Creative Statement

PPT/Sketchbook preparation.

research, development,


  • Develop ideas through investigations,

demonstrating critical understanding of



  • Refine work by exploring ideas, selecting

and experimenting with appropriate

media, materials, techniques and



  • Record ideas, observations and

insights relevant to intentions as work



  • Present a personal and meaningful

response that realises intentions and

demonstrates understanding of visual




  • Knowledge and understanding of what, why and how   creatives   record ideas.
  • Citizenship: understanding and appreciation of different ways of working in the creative industry
  • Growth mindset and seeing learning as a process of trying, developing and refining.

Half term 4


PPT/Sketchbook preparation.

research, development,




10 hour exam


  • Develop ideas through investigations,

demonstrating critical understanding of



  • Refine work by exploring ideas, selecting

and experimenting with appropriate

media, materials, techniques and



  • Record ideas, observations and

insights relevant to intentions as work



  • Present a personal and meaningful

response that realises intentions and

demonstrates understanding of visual




  • Knowledge and understanding of what, why and how   creatives   record ideas.
  • Citizenship: understanding and appreciation of different ways of working in the creative industry
  • Growth mindset and seeing learning as a process of trying, developing and refining.


Half term 5








Half term 6